How to update your Awair 2nd Edition’s firmware

Legacy Device Sunset Notification:

This device is no longer able to receive firmware updates, and if it is reset, it will not be able to reconnect through the Awair Home App. Please read here for more details. 

Awair regularly releases updates to your Awair 2nd Edition(“Awair”), from small tweaks to new features. Making sure your firmware is up to date is the best way to ensure you’re getting the most out of your Awair and that it is working properly.

When your Awair is connected to Wi-Fi, Awair regularly checks for new updates. If your Awair’s firmware is out of date, Awair will automatically download the latest version.

To find your Awair’s firmware version, follow these steps:

  1. Tap your Awair’s name from the home screen of your Awair App.
  2. Tap the gear icon in the upper right hand side of your screen.
  3. Tap “Firmware Version” at the bottom of this Settings page.
  4. You’ll find your current Firmware Version listed.

If your Awair is out of date, you’ll see a new version is available. Tap “UPDATE OVER WI-FI” to initiate an update. The process should only take a few minutes.


In case you need to manually update your Awair’s firmware, reboot your Awair following these steps:

  1. Unplug your Awair.
  2. Plug Awair back and it  will automatically update its firmware when it’s reconnected to your Wi-Fi after powering on.
  3. Confirm your Awair is up to date by checking your Firmware Version in the app.

If you ever have trouble getting your Awair up to date, please reach out to us so we can help!

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