Setting up Omni with Ethernet or BACnet for the First Time

Depending on the final installation setup for Awair Omni in your indoor air quality monitoring project, you may want to prepare Omni for a faster and easier permanent installation. We have outlined our suggested preparation steps, which usually requires updating the firmware of the Omni and/or Surface Mount. Awair updates device firmware usually once per quarter, Out of the box, depending on when each component was manufactured and how long it has been waiting to be installed, the firmware could need updating prior to installation, especially in a offline (no internet) installation scenario (e.g. BACnet MS/TP, BACnet IP, Local API, etc.)

Installation Steps

  1. Start with Surface Mount and the In-Wall Mount "Backpack" assembly (
  2. Change the Surface Mount mode switch to position "2", which allows the Surface Mount to get its IP address from the network DHCP server (
  3. Connect the Surface Mount to power (PoE Switch, Omni USB-C wall adapter, or Low Voltage AC/DC).
  4. Connect the Surface Mount to an internet-connected Ethernet cable (
  5. Wait up to 1 minute for the Surface Mount firmware to update automatically. (you can check at the Local API endpoint: http://{{ip-address}}/settings/data )
  6. Connect the Omni sensor to the Surface Mount (
  7. Wait 1-2 minutes, to make sure Omni has download the latest firmware. (a firmware check begins right after bootup - "FW" "UP" "DATE" - and is indicated by a progress bar across the LED Matrix Display - ":::::::::::::::" - followed by a reboot)
  8. Now the Surface Mount is ready to configure via: http://{{ip-address}}/settings

Note: remember to "disable" Cloud Connectivity if the Omni + Surface Mount are intended to be used in an offline / local-only installation scenario.


For a more in-depth look at configuration settings as well as editing existing settings, check these articles:

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